Risk governance, market competition and operational risk disclosure quality: a study of the ASEAN-5 banking sector’ in the Journal of Operational Risk.

Hits: 140 FRESH FROM THE PRESS: Our very own Dr Suen Kolade and colleagues from Indonesia (Etikah Karyani, and Setio Anggoro Dewo) have published another great manuscript on ‘Risk governance, market competition and operational risk disclosure quality: a study of the ASEAN-5 banking sector’ in the Journal of Operational Risk. The Highlights from the research

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Cultural Netizenship by Dr James Yeku

Hits: 211In Press: watch your space for this exciting monograph by Dr James Yeku @17855511929. “How does social media activism in Nigeria intersect with online popular forms—from GIFs to memes to videos—and become shaped by the repressive postcolonial state that propels resistance to dominant articulations of power? James Yékú proposes the concept of “cultural netizenship”—internet

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