Hits: 417It is often assumed that the default career option for PhD graduates is in academia. The dynamics of the 21st century, knowledge economy and advent of the industry 4.0 have among other things upended this assumption. Transferable scientific skills and knowledge are becoming progressively valued in non-academic job sectors. However, navigating job opportunities and

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The differential effects of government support, inter-firm collaboration and firm resources on SME performance in a developing economy

Hits: 178Dr Bernadette Madawa-Bray together with co-authors,  Stella Zulu-Chisanga and Mwansa Chabala published an exciting paper on  “The differential effects of government support, inter-firm collaboration and firm resources on SME performance in a developing economy” in the Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. The article contributes to the Small and medium enterprise (SME)  performance literature

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Publish and flourish! How to enhance your chances of getting published

Why did my paper get rejected despite all the hard work I put into the research? Most researchers ask this question at some point, especially in the early career stage. In this post, I highlight six practical tips to make your research paper stand out and scale through the publication process. From my experience as a reviewer and editorial board member for a number of journals, I have learnt that the quality of results presented in a research article is only half the battle of getting it published; presentation and packaging make up the other half. This is nicely summarised in a quote that I picked up during my PhD days (I cannot remember now who first said it): have something to say, say it and stop once it is said. Each element of this three-part maxim holds two important tips.

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New postdoctoral fellowship launched by the British Academy

Hits: 435You can apply now for a three-year postdoctoral fellowship offered by the British Academy for outstanding early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences.   The funding scheme offers a thirty six month fellowship at selected applicant’s chosen institution. This is to enable the award holders to carry out independent research project to

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ASF Webinar on thesis writing: my take away

Hits: 1110 “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” – Isaac Newton. The first edition of the African Scholars Forum’s series of webinars that held on the 31st of July 2020 was exactly what a new doctoral student like me needed. The panellists were not only open and down

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ASF webinar on thesis writing: why you shouldn’t miss it

Hits: 278One of the most important skills you need for a successful  graduate study is writing skill. This is because you are going to be faced with several writing tasks throughout your graduate program. These writing tasks will vary in style and complexity. On the face of it, “writing” may sound simple as everyone has

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UK Body launches an interdisciplinary funding call to tackle global challenges

Hits: 114The Academy of Medical Sciences in collaboration with the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineers, and the Royal society invites researchers from various fields to submit applications for the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) grant. The Global Challenges Research Funds seeks collaboration between researchers from the UK and developing African countries across various

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Social capital’s role in humanitarian crises

Hits: 178Dr Seun Kolade and colleagues recently authored an article exploring the role of social capital in humanitarian crises. The article argued, among others, that effective humanitarian programming needs to pay closer attention to existing networks of solidarity, trust and cooperation within and across communities in order to achieve lasting outcomes. You can check this link

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